This is how you can get Pictory premium account for Free

Here are a few ways to get a premium account for free.

Sign up for a free trial.

 The website offers a free trial that gives you access to all of the features of the premium plan for a limited time.

Participate in the Affiliate Program.

The Affiliate Program allows you to earn commissions by referring new customers to If you refer enough customers, you can earn enough commissions to pay for your own premium account.

Win a contest or giveaway. occasionally runs contests and giveaways on social media. These contests and giveaways often give away premium accounts as prizes.

Use a discount code.

This is how you can get Pictory premium account for Free

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Join a group buy.

Group buys are a way to get a premium account for a discounted price by sharing the cost of the account with other users. You can find group buys on websites that specialize in group buys, as well as on social media.

Please note that some of these methods may not always be available, and they may not always guarantee that you will get a premium account for free. However, they are all legitimate ways to get a premium account without having to pay full price.

Features of Pictory Premium Account

  • Unlimited text-to-video: You can create an unlimited number of text-to-video videos with a premium account. Each video can be up to 20 minutes long.
  • 50 hrs video transcription/mo: You can transcribe up to 50 hours of video per month with a premium account. This is useful for creating video summaries or subtitles.
  • 3 hr video length per upload: You can upload videos up to 3 hours long with a premium account. This is useful for uploading long-form videos or webinars.
  • 16:9, 1:1 or 9:16 on text-to-video: You can choose the aspect ratio of your text-to-video videos. This is useful for creating videos for different social media platforms.
  • 720p or 1080p (HD) video: You can choose the resolution of your text-to-video videos. This is useful for creating high-quality videos.
  • Over 12 million royalty-free premium videos from Getty Images and Storyblocks: You can access over 12 million royalty-free premium videos from Getty Images and Storyblocks with a premium account. This is useful for adding stock footage to your videos.
  • 15,000 Music Tracks: You can access 15,000 music tracks with a premium account. This is useful for adding music to your videos.
  • 10 Branded Customizable Templates: You can access 10 branded customizable templates with a premium account. This is useful for creating branded videos.
  • Bulk Video Downloads: You can download videos in bulk with a premium account. This is useful for saving time and bandwidth.
  • Sharing & Collaboration: You can share and collaborate on videos with others with a premium account. This is useful for working with team members or clients.
  • API Access: You can access Pictory’s API with a premium account. This is useful for developers who want to integrate Pictory into their own applications.


n conclusion, Premium Account offers a comprehensive suite of features that can help you create high-quality videos quickly and easily. With unlimited text-to-video, 50 hours of video transcription per month, and access to over 12 million royalty-free premium videos, you have everything you need to create compelling videos that will engage your audience.

If you are serious about creating videos, then I highly recommend upgrading to a Premium Account. It is a great investment that will pay for itself in time and money saved.

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